
Information Technology For Public Health Institute Center Essay

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In order for technology to be truly interoperable, federal guidelines must be met to ensure the information can easily be accessed by those who need it. A hospital facility would benefit greatly from telecommunication technology that allows physicians to easily place orders and access results on a portable device to facilitate and decide care. According to the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) mobile health (mHealth) capitalizes on the growing trend of smart phones by utilizing software apps which allow physicians to access patient health information (Public Health Institute Center for Connected Health Policy, 2016). The use of mHealth meets guidelines established by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the software used and classifies it as a medical device; the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) guidelines that establish the need for information to be transmitted from patient monitoring devices to physicians in a reliable and quick fashion; and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which prevent misinformation regarding the effectiveness of apps and software that impact patient safety (Public Health Institute Center for Connected Health Policy, 2016). The use of smart phones changes how quickly physicians can remain informed of a patient’s disease process and is used by staff to facilitate clinical decision making processes. A second regulatory requirement that must be strictly adhered to in order to support

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