
Informative Essay On Babysitting

Decent Essays

Babysitting is always a relaxed and simple way to earn money. Well, it is only simply if you don’t have to watch trouble making children. If the kid is a sweet, obedient angel, then the job is the easiest thing in the world. However, if the child is a rotten, little demon, then good luck. I have babysat several different kinds of kids, but the worst one was quite an adventure. Babysitting is a tricky business. The calm jobs always pay exceedingly well, but then the challenging jobs hardly give you a dime. I always felt bad when I got a lot of money when I barely did anything; I did not feel bad enough to not accept the money, though. But it is awfully disappointing when you get essentially nothing for taking care of the most dreadful and …show more content…

I soon found out that he did not like riding in his stroller, but he also didn’t like staying with me. It was a constant struggle switch between holding my hand and riding in the stroller, or I would have to chase him down. We got through one store with minimal breakdowns. On our way to the next shop we passed the machines that kids can ride. As soon as they came into sight, Corbin bolted to the big dinosaur. Being the fun and cool babysitter I am, I let him play on it. Five minutes went by and we needed to move on so we could get home. Corbin refused. He screamed and cried. He was not getting off that dinosaur. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the mall stare me down. I picked Corbin up, strapped him into his stroller, and rushed to the next store. Still sobbing, Corbin began to attempt to escape his torcher seat of a stroller. Every time I told him no, he screamed louder. He started to cough uncontrollably. He is going to throw up, I thought. I tried to calm him down, but he was just having a complete meltdown. I finally took him outside and bribed him with some food. He eventually calmed down, and I officially wanted to just punt the innocent-looking child across the

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