
Informative Essay On Bipolar

Decent Essays

The Hard Truth: Bipolar
Many times today we as people who are not in the medical field do not really know that much about anything that is medical related and the medical words roots, suffix and prefix whether it would be something such as leukemia, leuk meaning white, emia which means blood or words such as, pneumonia penum which means lungs or as mon which means one or single ia which means one or single and what they are or what they mean, or any of the symptoms are compared to any doctor especially today. as people who are not in medical field should learn more about bipolar and its symptoms.
Many people do know enough about bipolar much and just say it's a mental illness and can cause depression that is heredity. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about 5.7 million, or 2.6 percent of the U.S population eighteen and up. There are more than 3 million cases each year dealing with bipolar (National Institute of …show more content…

Also known by doctors as their “highs” like many people people with bipolar have highs and lows but the patients of bipolar have their highs and lows to an extreme. Manic depression which meaning wild deranged excitement towards something many times, can cause them to have out burst and try to hurt someone or their self. "One out of five bipolars will commit suicide," (Lopez). When the person who is in their manic state but were not yet diagnosed with it often burst out and lash out towards someone can often be confused with ADHD since in both of them they can and go off from impulse of the brain of the persons who is dealing with the symptoms. They often get confused because of the sleeping patterns. The patterns for both patients that are on medicine for bipolar or ADHD can have a difficult time sleeping. They both can go off bursts of violent outrages and burst towards others. Not everyone who has this does not act in this

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