
Essay On Bipolar

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Ever felt joyful one second and the next upset with all surroundings? Imagine living with this illness throughout your life, and having little to no control over it. Bipolar is known as a disease that involves unpredictable profound mood swings, that can affect anyone with severe symptoms which is determined through diagnosis and observed precisely through possible causes, medications and therapies can provide help to stabilize the illness, and experts continue to research ways to treat the disease.
Symptoms of bipolar range from maniac to depressive states, in which a person deals with mood swings which make them vulnerable in dealing with intense emotional episodes. Mood swings that can lead to harm to the person cognitively, emotionally …show more content…

Medication that have been used to stabilize or help reduce mood swings that provoke a person to have an episode outburst can include valproate, Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine, Lamotrigine, Quetiapine, Risperidone, Risperidone long-acting injection, Aripiprazole, Ziprasidone, Olanzapine, Asenapine, Paliperidone, Clozapine and Haloperidol (Kristal 85) these medications do little to no improvement for the individual and can include side effects that harm the person ability to function. For maniac or depressive episodes one of the most effective medication is the use of Lithium, this treatment stabilizes the patient and is shown to reduce suicide (Kristal 83). Therapies of either the individual or the individual and there family are also very common and can help a person learn to control their episode outburst and figure out what triggers them. Although Therapies can be proven to help the person medications are always encouraged to be taken. Bipolar disease is a chronic disease which requires effective control by medication if no medications is provided then the risk of suicide, social prejudice and low adherence to treatment can occur (Astres

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