
Informative Essay On Medical Marijuana

Decent Essays

The use of medical marijuana has been discussed for the last few years. Many studies have been conducted on the effects and benefits medical marijuana has on a person. As of today, 29 states, including DC have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Many medical marijuana users use it as treatment for pain relief, depression, and anxiety. The articles “Medical marijuana use linked to lower prescription drug use, higher rating for Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure,” “Legal marijuana linked to fewer opioid prescriptions,” and “Use of prescription pain medications among medical cannabis patients: comparisons of pain levels, functioning, and patterns of alcohol and other drug use” are informative in delivering their information on how medical marijuana lowers prescription drug use.
The Science Post team wrote the article, “Medical marijuana use linked to lower prescription drug use, higher rating for Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure,” using satire devices such as irony. This particular article is very short with only five paragraphs and is very easy for the readers to understand what is being written. The Science Post uses the results from a research completed at the University of Georgia. Those researchers studied data where marijuana was used as an alternative to prescription drugs to treat anxiety, depression, glaucoma, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders and spasticity (The Science Post). The results was “fewer prescriptions were written for every category

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