
Informative Essay On Michael Oher

Decent Essays

Michael Oher was born in Memphis, Tennessee in May 1986. His father was a conventional at the local prison and his mother was a drug addict. He was one of twelve children. Because of this he reiterated first and second grade and switched schools 11 times in just 9 years. He was put in foster care at age seven and often switched foster homes. The periods in between foster homes he was often homeless.
He played football his freshman year at a public high school. He additionally applied for Briarcrest Christian School with the avail of Tony Henderson, whose son was additionally being enrolled in the school. The public schools football coach, Hugh Freeze personally submitted the application to the headmaster, who verbally expressed that if Oher consummated a home study program he would accept him. He didn't culminate it but, upon realizing Ohers position accepted him.
Oher was conclusively adopted in 2004 by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, who had two children in Briarcrest. They were the impeccable family and Oher fit right in. They showed their love and devotion by hiring a tutor to avail him for 20 hours a week. …show more content…

The Baltimore Ravens drafted Oher with the 23rd pick in the first round of the draft. The Ravens managed to snag the pick from the Incipient England Patriots in exchange for their first and fifth round draft culls. He was assigned Jersey Number 72 April 26 2009 after signing a 13.8 million dollar contract for 5 years. He commenced his NFL vocation as left tackle but, after causing an injury to Jared Gaither was peregrinate to right tackle. During 2009 he played 11 games as right tackle and 5 as left. His post season game against the Incipient England Patriots ended up as 33-14 and Oher did not sanction a single

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