
Informative Essay On Outsiders

Decent Essays

Outsiders are continuously surrounding us and leaving a question in what role they play. Outsiders are people who stand apart from what is normal to the area. They will commonly be looked down upon. Outsiders are people who will stand apart from a group they don't want to mix with. Outsiders are usually looked down upon for good reasons sometimes. Manny serious crimes that are committed are by people who stand apart. People who stand apart usually do for a reason which is because they think, look, act, and sound different. It is not always a bad thing to stand apart but it is common for people like serial killers, terrorists, and other serious crime committers to stand apart because they see the world very differently than the average person does. They see it as a hostile place that the only way left to fix it is by force. Throughout all of history there has been some positive outsiders. Immigrants at any time period in America were looked down upon. They would be different from the rest and they would hold things to be true that weren't …show more content…

Criminals are the first to stand apart for the reasons I already mentioned and because they don't fit in with what the government wants which is good citizens. Criminals are the good ones to look down upon because they are doing something wrong.Criminals can be in gropes like gans but then they all are commonly outsiders. The whole hippie idea was one of everyone being an outsider. It was going against all that was true at that time making them famous outsiders. Immigrants as previously mentioned are a major group of outsiders. This is because they actually are from an outside areas so they are different in many aspects. There are many books written about the classic examples of a country kid moving to a deep city area. It is a perfect example because it is two very different ways of life so it takes a long adjustment from

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