
Informative Essay On Social Media

Decent Essays

Technological advances in our world over the past decade have impacted our society tremendously. With these advances have come new social media websites that people all around the world use in their everyday life. Social media started out as a means of communication from person to person but has drastically grown to be even a source of news and a reporting channel. The world can be updated on events that occur within seconds through the use of websites and cellular apps with the most popular today being Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The increased speed of reporting news and other things however does not necessarily determine all things posted via social media to be valid. With the click of a few buttons on your phone, anybody has the capability to post a status or tweet that has the potential of being viewed by thousands to millions of people. The article Tweeting Fast Matters, But Only if I Think About It: Information Updates on Social Media uses the popular platform Twitter in a study to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the speed of updates and how people determine source credibility (Spence, Lachlan, & Edwards, 55). Twitter and other social media platforms are useful in reporting news fast and keeping people connected but not all information shared online should be assumed true. Twitter is a social media platform that allows people to post messages or “tweets” publically with the option for others to reply to the message. Over the

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