Did you know that 400,000 Americans die from tobacco related causes each year. And over 300,000,000 million people live in the US. Today we are going to talk about 3 things and those being smoking, alcohol, and bullying.
Smoking can cause yellow teeth and bad breath. There are actually over 200 known harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Almost 50,000 people die from second hand smoking every year. The nicotine in cigarettes and chewing tobacco can cause less blood flow to the brain. Smoking can cause heart disease, more colds and upper respiratory problems. Tobacco can cause mouth cancer, tooth loss, and other health problems. In the United States it is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18, and 19 in some States.
There are over
There are more than 200 known chemicals in cigarettes. Cigarettes contain nicotine a powerful substance that causes addiction. About 40,000 Americans die from tobacco related causes each year. Smokers have more colds and upper respiratory problems. Smoking can cause yellow teeth and smelly breath.
Smoking tobacco is well known to assist the body with creating cancer cells. Also loss of blood circulation leading to gangrene, hair loss, yellowing of fingernails and bad breath are only some of the health risks associated with first person smoking. These health risks can also apply to second hand smokers which
In D.A.R.E. I learned not to use Tobacco because there is 200 known harmful chemicals in 1 cigarette. More than 400,000 Americans die because of the toxins in cigarettes. Almost 50,000 deaths per year can be attributed to second-hand smoke.The effects on your body are: tobacco interferes with the way the brain works, smoking causes heart disease, smokers have more colds and upper respiratory problems, smoking causes lung cancer, chewing tobacco causes tooth loss and yellow teeth.
It is very easy to become addicted to tobacco because it contains nicotine, which is extremely addictive. Nicotine is also very harmful to the body. Cigarettes have multiple components that are unnatural and not good for the body, like methanol, stearic acid, and methane. Tobacco also has many short-term and long-term side effects. Some of the short-term side effects are increased respiration and heart rate, bad breath, yellowing teeth, and changes in brain chemistry. Some of the long-term effects are lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and a weakened immune system. An easy way to avoid unnatural chemicals, risk of disease, and risk of addiction, is to never start consuming tobacco at
According to the CDC, smoking can lead to lung and mouth cancers, as well as increased possibility of strokes and heart problems. Presently, smoking-related illnesses top the charts in cause of death in the United States.
It can stain your teeth and gums, resulting in yellow teeth and bad breath which can affect your social life. It can cause sexual problems for men by reducing the amount of sperm they can produce. It has also been proven that 'smoking causes aging of skin' (Buzzle 36), because the skin is deprived of blood. Pregnant women should not even try to smoke cigarettes during their 9 months because of the harm it could do to the baby and themselves. The affects of smoking on women and the child during pregnancy are as follows: high possibility of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and possible death of the baby. These are just a small variety of facts on smoking and how dangerous it can be, yet millions of people across the U.S choose to smoke anyways, without realizing the harm it can doing to their bodies. For secondhand smokers, the same principle applies. Don’t smoke and you will live a healthy lifestyle. I have personally seen many of my friends who hang around with their other friends that happen to smoke. When I confront them about the harm it is doing to them, they tend to ignore the advice I offer, so I let them be, hoping that one day they will realize that smoking harms more people than just the smoker themselves. It causes harm to the people around them and to the environment, increasing the pollution in our world. Former U.S vice-president Al Gore, believes that smoking is
Every time you smoke it is awful for your health and causes cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases. Cigarettes have at least 28 chemicals in these products that have been found to also cause cancer such as esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Smoking also harms your appearance; it yellows your teeth and damages your skin. It makes people short of breath,
Tobacco causes heart diseases. A lot of people like to smoke tobacco and it is not good for you. When you smoke tobacco you can get yellow teeth and you will notice you’ll have bad breath which now one wants that. Tobacco can also cause cancer and lung disease. There are 200 known chemicals that are in a cigarette that is a lot of chemicals that you are putting into your body. When you smoke it reduces the amount of blood that goes to your brain.
Cigarette smokers are two to four times more likely to develop coronary heart disease than non-smokers, and tobacco use doubles risk for stroke. It also causes reduced circulation by narrowing the blood vessels, and it causes premature wrinkles because it constricts the oxygen and warmth from all parts of the body so the skin ages faster.
Regardless of consumer belief, smoking dramatically increases the chances of contracting many diseases - such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Although not every user experiences these diseases, it is well known that smoking can decrease one’s life time dramatically. The information given states, “It’s virtually impossible to escape the effects of tobacco” (Jordan). This stated, Jordan expresses that essentially if you use tobacco, there is a fairly high chance that one will damage his/her body in some way. Furthermore, there are many more diseases that can be contracted and the ones stated are only the most common. Continuing, the author explains the affects of smoking, “Expose to specific elements of secondhand smoke causes blood clot more easily and damages arterial lining” (Jordan). As stated, certain components in tobacco increase the chances of high blood pressure and blood clots to form in the body. Concluding, respiratory problems in young children can occur through second hand smoking, these include asthma. Children that asthma effect increases from smoke, “Asthma turns out to be about twice as common in children exposed to high levels of second hand smoke” (Secondhand Smoke: Is it a Hazard). Not only does tobacco smoke increase other diseases, it also increases the severity of diseases already contracted as shown in the previous quote. To conclude, tobacco smoke
To begin let’s talk about the many, many health risks that are caused from smoking. I’ll start off with the biggest consequence smoking causes. Cancer. According to the CDC.gov website, nine out of ten lung cancers are caused from smoking cigarettes. And although lung cancer is the most common cancer associated with smoking, it is definitely not the only one. Smoking can cause cancer anywhere in the body. From the mouth to the colon, nothing is safe from cancer when you smoke. According to betobaccofree.gov, the chemicals in cigarettes harm your blood cells and damage your heart, increasing your likelihood of developing aneurysms, cardiovascular disease, Coronary heart disease, and strokes. Smokers also develop mouth sores and ulcers and as stated on deltadentalins.com, smokers are about 4 times more likely than non-smokers to develop gum disease. Smokers experience muscle deterioration because blood and oxygen are restricted and can’t reach the muscles.
The tobacco industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on September 11, 2001. That sounds unrealistic, doesn’t it? Well, smoking is an epidemic that affects us all, whether you are a smoker or you aren’t. In order to stop this epidemic, we need to
Attention getter: According to Tobacco-Free Kids, “about 400,000 people die from their own smoking each year, and about 50,000 die from second-hand smoke annually. Smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and
Smoking increases the risk of suffering from heart diseases, stroke, other lung diseases and other respiratory illnesses. The body develops horrific reactions to the daily onslaught of smoking. It damages the blood vessels in the legs and arms for example, which lead to restricted circulation and even amputation of the limbs. Also, a smoker addict will eventually start getting eye irritations (which leads to blindness), foul smelling hair, hair loss and even start developing a loss of smell. All of these reactions are due to the dangerous chemicals cigarettes contain.
There are many dangerous side effects of smoking such as cancer, lung disease, heart failure and much more. There are also some minor effects such as yellow teeth, nicotine stains on fingers, bad breath and your home and body can constantly smell of smoke. Smoking is not only a danger to you but can be to others as well through passive smoking. Inhaling other peoples smoke can cause dizziness, eye irritation, headaches, coughing, nausea and sore throat. It also increases the risk of cot deaths and if a pregnant woman smokes it can affect the baby's development.