
Informative Speech On Bees

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Sergei Danielian Professor Bates COMM M01 16 October 2017 Bees General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: To inform the audience how and why bees are dying. Central Idea: Now it’s important to recognize that bees are not just a meme, but that if bees do die out, humanity could be severely affected. INTRODUCTION: Attention Getter: Bees are dying at an alarming rate and we just don’t know why! Introduction to Topic: Actually, contrary to that meme, we actually do know why, and I will be telling you why. Relevance: According to an article done by the USDA, “The number of honey bee hives in the U.S has decreased from 6 million in the 1940s to 2.5 million in 2017” (“Being Serious about Saving Bees”). Now, if all the bees start to die, then thousands of plants will also die and certain beloved foods will also die. Thesis: Now it’s important to recognize that bees are not just a meme, but that if bees do die out, humanity could be severely affected. Preview: The demise of bees is mainly attributed to none other than parasites and pesticides. Body: Transition Statement: Now let us take a look at one of the factors why bees are dying. 1: Parasites, bees are mainly dying due to life threatening parasites. 1A: There is the parasite called the varroa destructor, also known as the vampire mite since it feeds by drinking on the blood of bees. The Varroa Destructor tends to enter a bee brooding cell before the hive bees cover the cell with a wax capping. The mites then feed on the

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