
Informative Speech On Fishing

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Everyone has those days when they wish they had the secret to catching loads of bass. Well I am going to tell you about some of the lures and techniques that I use that will help you to find that one fishing secret you won’t want to tell your friends about. To make this a little easier for you I am going to divide this into depth level of fish and best time to fish there. The lures I will be talking about are sure to stir up some action for you. These are some of the best baits for bass fishing I use. I wanted to break this down to the time of year and depth of water for each bait. Each one of these have brought me mass quantities of bass.

Fishing Shallow Water to get those exciting top water strikes.

If you ask most anglers they will tell you the fish only hang out in the shallow water in the spring or fall, but …show more content…

All year long there will be some bass that hold up in the deep waters. No one knows why but some bass just don’t move around very much. With that said, nowhere does it say cold weather days are the only time bass hang out in the deep. For my deep water I use mainly soft plastics. Worms to be precise. Not that long ago the Senko worm came out and they have been hot ever since. There are so many ways to fish with worms. Just to name a few you have the classic Texas rig, wacky worm and the Neko rig. I am a firm believer in the Texas Rig. I am going to give let you know how to fish with the Texas and Neko rig.

Got to Love some deep water worms!

The Texas rig is my favorite worm rig and most commonly used. I am pretty sure the Texas rig was created around the time Texas became a state. As far as I know the Texas rig Is the oldest technique for fishing with worms.

Texas Rig

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