
Informative Speech On Thyroid Cancer

Decent Essays

Do you ever get fear of having cancer? Cancer comes with lots of symptoms, and treatments. The population was affected by thyroid cancer, and the cancer cells might surprise you! You might have a family member with cancer! Cancer is a very scary disease that may be in you! Cancer is a scary topic because anyone could have to fight it and try to overcome it.
Thyroid cancer has some symptoms. Thyroid is a part of the neck, base of neck. An thyroid is a shape of a butterfly. Growth and tumors develop easily in the thyroid. A thyroid has 2 lobes, each side of the tube. You could also start developing blood clots, and other developments. Papillary cancer is a popularly thyroid cancer, and also has lots of symptoms. Some symptoms are coughing, hoarseness, pain in throat, problem swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes. One of the most seen symptoms is lumping on your neck. You also could start having breathing problems and problems with your metabolism due to cancer. People also have to worry about not having any symptoms, just getting cancer right away. Thyroid cancer also messes with the blood stream, neck , breathing, skin. It is pretty much a cancerous tumor. Treatment is …show more content…

My Aunt Stacey had thyroid cancer, and she had a lot of symptoms. She had a hard time talking and swallowing. She also coughed a lot. She was in a lot of pain also, like at family events. So her doctor said just to get it out, so this summer she got it out. During the surgery, they thought they damage and hit her voice box. They didn’t think she was going to talk at all. After recovering and everything, they thought for sure she wasn’t going to talk. Then she started talking they were so surprised. It was really hard for her to talk though, and it hurt to talk, she said. It was like a miracle to them though, she still recovering because they did do something and she barely could talk for like 5 weeks and it was really hard to and she got sore

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