
Outline Of An Informative Speech On The Maasai Culture

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Communication 103
Informative Outline
October 7, 2014

General Purpose: To inform the class about the Maasai.
Specific Purpose: To teach the audience certain aspects of the Maasai such as their culture, food, living conditions, and language.

I. Introduction:
A. Attention Gainer: Mika: “Mambo rafiki! Maji maju?” Kelsey: “Ah poa, asante sana dada!” Mika: “Karibu sana.”
B. Reason to Listen: This is an example of a simple conversation between the Maasai, a unique African tribe whose culture is starting to diminish. According to Rogei, The language and cultural practices of the Maasai are threatened (Rogei, 2012).
C. Speaker Credibility: In addition to researching scholarly articles, Mika has traveled to Africa and seen the Maasai …show more content…

Prior to circumcision, Maasai males are still considered a “boy” rather than a “man,” and they barely have any rights of personal independence. After this period, boys may last 7-8 years living together in different settlements far away from their family homesteads grazing livestock, until they become “elders” and are allowed to marry.
TRANSITION STATEMENT: Maasai not only have specific stages of maturing into adulthood, but also follow a certain way of their living arrangements.
B. Main Point # 2: The Maasai have a very unique and simple way of living.
1. (Sub-Point # 1): According to Coast, the Maasai live in enkangs which are like small residential living communities composed of several small houses (Coast, 2002). The traditional Maasai houses that make up these enkangs are commonly referred to as enkaji, These houses are made from a combination of animal feces and mud that are put together into a wooden framework so they harden into a sturdy concrete material. Once a woman is married it becomes her responsibility to build and maintain an enkaji for her and her family to live in. According to Rukwaro & Mukono, “a man would compose a household with a wife, or wives and children” (Rukwaro & Mukono, 2001, p.84). Since in the Maasai culture a man has multiple wives, he typically rotates living with each wife in her enkaji while the wives and their children stay put.
2. (Sub-Point # 2): These enkangs are arranged in a circular

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