Speech Topic: College Fitness
Speech Title: How To Stay Fit in College
Speech Type: Informative
Audience Analysis
Knowledge: Many listeners have 1st hand knowledge on what it's like being a college kid, specifically the problem of being broke and busy in college and how hard it is to prioritize personal fitness, however, this knowledge probably goes without the knowledge of the techniques of staying fit even with a hectic lifestyle.
Attitudes: The audience more than likely feels some disdain for the topic of fitness. No one likes to be reminded that they're unfit and need to get active. With this in mind, I will create a positive attitude about fitness by taking the "work" out of workout and showing how easily attainable it is
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5 people in this room are at an elevated risk of diabetes. 2 people in this room will have diabetes before they graduate. And by the time we all graduate someone in this room, sitting with us today, will suffer from some form of a catastrophic heart-attack.
Topic and Purpose: In tonight's speech, I will present to you your very own how to guide on getting and staying fit in college.
Main Points: Included in this speech will be a step by step guide on how to prioritize fitness among a world of other things in our lives that may seem vastly more important, on how to eat healthy even on a college kids budget, and how to take the work out of workout by making exercise more convenient and fun.
Relevance: Unfortunately, the statistical possibilities I gave you are very possible and affect all of us as college students because heart attack and stroke among adults in their twenties have risen by almost a third in just the past 20 years and almost all cases are preventable by employing healthy choices that begin during the college years.
Credibility: I am a licensed personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise, and have helped more than 100 clients lose weight and keep it off.
I. Learn to prioritize personal fitness and health among a world of priorities that may seem vastly more important. A. Establish a routine for your daily life 1. Establish patterns 2. Organize your stuff 3. Establish regular Sleep habits 4.
The book begins by explaining how important exercise and being active is to our health and well-being. The author then transitions into a story about Naperville Central High School. This high school was in the forefront of a revolutionary new concept
There are many infomercials that are placed on the television that are geared towards helping people become fit and healthy. These commercials usually feature testimonials from users of the program, workouts that are featured, and asks questions to get the viewer’s attention. And they are presented to be used by anyone no matter their fitness level. But, you have to wonder are the facts featured even true, such as, will this program even work for me? In this essay, I will analyze an infomercial and evaluate if it is worth giving it a try.
The general purpose is to inform the audience about the danger that our future generation are encountering for the lack of physical activity, the over use of technology and the uncontrollable marketing of
So you’ve finally done it. After months and months of promising yourself you would get fit and healthy, you’ve finally joined a gym. Good for you! Now, the last thing I want to do is dampen the joy you’re probably experiencing right at this moment, but I do feel like I should warn you that things only get harder from here. If you’re going to get the results you’re after, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work at the gym, performing just the right exercises just the right amount of times. If you have no prior health and fitness experience, you can expect to make a couple of mistakes right off the bat. That’s just fine, mistakes are inevitable. That being said, I do want to use my extensive experience in this area to help
Preview Statement: Today, I would like to provide you with information on the importance of exercise, with hopes that by the end of my speech you will be inspired to start exercising on a regular basis.
Central Idea: Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun.
Living a healthy lifestyle is a goal many individuals have and that could either be eating vigorous nutritious meals or being active outside in the world, going to the gym for instance. The condition of being physically fit and healthy is what fitness is. Not many people realize the importance of it until they can’t fit in their own jeans. Many individuals argue that there isn’t enough time for the gym or that there is no point in going because it can cause injury, but in reality, it’s all worth it after you realize the outcomes of working out and eating healthy. There is always time to make your life fit and healthier. In order to join this discourse community, a person must learn the typical ways people in that community interact and argue. I will demonstrate that I have entered this discourse community of fitness by obtaining necessary knowledge, establishing strong credibility, and learning to influence other members of the community to strive for more.
You were encouraged to be more physically active. Explain the exercise program that you implemented in this course. Express your feelings about the outcomes of this program and how well you accomplished your fitness goals. In what ways did you add activity other
Audience Analysis: since most of my audiences are students with a job, I will focus on how exercise can boost your energy, and mental health to get more accomplished in school.
Home PAGE: You have arrived at Landed Health, where we are dedicated to be your one stop for everything you need to know about good health. Not only will you find everything that you need regarding nutrition and exercise, we will showcase the best products around to help you meet your health needs. You can peruse our blog in order to find out the latest that is going on in the health industry.
“Physical education hopes to accomplish, to engage all students, not just the athlete elite, in fun activities that will instill a lifelong commitment to fitness.” (Johnson, 264). Physical education in the classroom can be a vital steeping stone to the way that teenagers think about fitness. Lifelong fitness is something that everyone should be guaranteed, it mainly depends on the experience that a teenager has. Like many other subjects in school, the
The summer, a time of warm weather, long weekends, friends and holidays. It is also the time where many of us put down the junk food, get off the couch and come out of winter hibernation to enjoy the outdoors. It’s often not long after playing your first game of beach volleyball or running to catch the bus when you realise that your heart is racing, sweat is pouring down your face and you are breathing heavily. As you look up and watch everyone still running around you or as your stepping onto the bus only one thought is running through your mind “WOW I am out of shape!”. Now I am not here today to try and convince you to get into better shape. Starting a fitness routine is a commitment that an individual needs to decide on for
College life is a time full of fun, friends, activities, classes, and homework. All of these activities however, add up to a busy life style. Being busy is not in itself harmful but when the busyness becomes so great that it turns into stress, problems start to arise. The formation of stress leads to many unhealthy trends, such as lack of sleep, loss of immunity to disease, and a change in personality traits. How then can stress in the busy lives of college students be reduced? The answer is a simple one that has long been known; exercise relieves stress. Colleges across the country need to implement a program of required exercise classes to promote the well being of students.
Obesity is becoming a more common phrase when speaking about the American lifestyle, but many people don’t actually know
When I came to college I never knew how difficult it would be to exercise on a regular basis. I was a high school athlete who had always found physical activity important and figured that would continue during my college career, but I was mistaken. I quickly became overwhelmed, and my time at the gym was quickly cut out of the schedule. I gained weight like most college students and looking back now I realized I had irregular eating habits, extreme levels of stress, and lack of sleep which is typical in most college students. When thinking of a personal self-care activity I found that exercise helped improve all of these problems in some way. When I realized exercise was the personal self-care