informative speech by kayla venable, mcneese state university
1. Attention Getter: With the economy the way it is now and all that’s happening with the oil spill each and every one of us needs to put effort into saving the environment and our wildlife. The blame for global warming, landfills, and pollution rests in our hands. 2. Listener Relevance Link: What can you do as individuals to help improve our ecosystem? You can become a volunteer at The Surfrider Foundation. 3. Speaker Credibility Link: I’ve taken it upon myself to join the The Surfrider Foundation and put
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1. Activities and cleanup is first and foremost, they are done with the desire to protect the coastal and shore environments. 2. They would also like to prevent the waves and beaches from pollution and destruction. C. The Foundation has many chapters of Grass Root Activism. 1. The strength of Surfrider comes from these 90 chapters total worldwide. 2. The community based chapters prove the power that people have and in doing that the influence others to have positive change in their community.
Transition Statement: The Surfrider Foundation has worked very hard to substantially improve our ocean environment.
2. Second Main Point: The primary goals of the foundation are to: A. To have clean water which is obviously their main goal and they do this in: 1.Making sure to protect and restore coastal water quality. 2. Prevent the littering of cigarette buts which sea animals often
a) this is technique is where there’s a long line with baited hooks that can stretch over 60 miles across the ocean.
We will go on a chronological trip through the history of the city of San Diego. First covering the Native Americans. Then we will discuss the Spanish colonization. Followed by Mexican rule. We will finish with Current
Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible,” and I guess he was right. Disney made films that made a wooden puppet into a real boy, a thief into a handsome, and a beast into a man. Disney created dreams for little kids of becoming royalty, but was that all they had in mind? Although Disney films may seem full of happy thoughts with true love’s kiss, but in reality they are just bibidi bodibi booed with a dash of pixie dust to hide the real truth behind the films.
In the article it states. In the grace of the ocean or the power of the waves some people think when did surfing begin? We know it wasn’t a happy go lucky beach boy from the 80s. Most people believe it was invented by fisherman to get their fish into shore quickly. Later it became a sport of kings the richest people and the kings had up to about 18 to 24 feet long. Instead of calling it surfing the Hawaiians “he e nalu,” or wave sliding. In 1777 Captain James Cook observed canoe surfing in Tahiti and wrote “I can not help concluding that the man had great pleasure!” But do to the Europeans coming to Hawaii they got a lot of diseases and cause most surfing to stop. In 1866 a man named Mark Twain went to Hawaii to rediscover the past and brought
Imagine you are at the beach. You are laying down a towel and setting up an umbrella when something catches your eye. Out in the ocean you see a surfer catching some waves, and it looks so fun and exciting that you almost grab a board and join in. However you don’t know how to surf and would rather not embarrass yourself in front of all these beach goers. Surfing, however, isn’t complicated at all and can be accomplished in these simple steps.
Your credentials – I have been a swimmer since a young age. I have also trained for physique in water and I have been through water therapy.
2. According to the Reproductive Rights Blog, the $114.5 million teen pregnancy prevention project signed into law by President Obama in December 2009 establishes a major turning point in U.S. sex education policy, according to a new analysis published in the Winter 2010 issue of the Guttmacher Policy Review. The project replaces many of the most firm and ineffective abstinence-only programs, which by law were required to have nonmarital abstinence promotion as their “exclusive purpose” and were prohibited from discussing the benefits of contraception.
Specific purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to understand the basic necessities to go on an overnight backpacking trip.
Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports in history, and it is interesting to see how the sport has changed since it was created.
The foundation has centered around three main areas, Global Development, Global Health and domestic issues in the United States.
There are four named oceans in the world: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. Roughly 70% of the earth’s oxygen is produced by marine plants and only 27% by rainforests. Over 80% of ocean pollution comes from land based activity. This activity can include, but is not limited to, burning oil and not recycling plastics. With knowing those statistics, people should undoubtedly be more concerned with our ocean’s health and well being than what they currently are. Yes, there are a copious amount of websites that accept donations but there are other ways that do not involve breaking the bank to save and protect the oceans. By using reusable plastics, reducing our carbon footprint, and buying ocean-friendly products and food, the oceans dying process could not completely stop, but slow down drastically.
You wait in line for what seems like forever and finally you take your seat. You pull the paddle bars so they fit snug against your shoulders. You reach the top and then comes the big drop. You start screaming or if you're daring you put your hands up and enjoy the ride. I'm of course speaking of roller coasters. Today I'm going to go over the history, the different types of roller coasters, the mechanics, and the most important part, safety of roller coasters.
Speaker Credibility: My family has recycle for over the past 10 years. I believe it is something important that everyone should be apart of and do. Too many people are not recycling, which is harmful to the environment.
Have you ever heard about water polo? I do not blame you if your answer is no because it really isn’t a super known or popular sport. Water polo is a sport which is played in the water, usually in a 20m by 10m pool. It is a sport played by two teams of seven, a goalkeeper and six field players. The game contains four quarters of eight minutes each, in which both teams attempt to score goals into their opponents goal. In all honesty, it really isn't as hard as you think. Its kinda like soccer, with a little bit of wrestling, handball, basketball, and swimming of course. I'm sure you're more familiar with these sports. Just like in soccer, in water polo, we use two goals. And the purpose of the game is quite the same. It definitely has the aggressiveness
Another swimming pioneer, Fredrick Cavill , helped further develop Trudgen’s stroke into an even faster stroke known as the front crawl (