
Informed Consent

Decent Essays

Informed Consent Informed consent is a formal agreement that a patient/member signs to give permission for a medical procedure or program after an explanation of risks and benefits are given to the patient/member (, 2015). Another definition for informed consent is, “tenet requiring that competent patients, who are free to consent, be sufficiently informed and be the principal decision makers in their own care” (Brannigan, 2001). Informed consent came into discussion many centuries ago. There were many issues that occurred during medical experiments which led to informed consent being introduced in the Nuremberg Code. The definite principle of informed consent is stated in the Nuremberg Code as follows with regards to acceptable …show more content…

They need to be able to explore sensitively and serious issues that boarders on informed consent with the patient. This is extremely important because there are patients currently receiving medications and medical treatments for different conditions for which they have not expressively given their consent either because they lack the capacity and/or understanding to do so. Also, it is very important that all medical professional (multi-disciplinary) involved in the patients care are contacted for any pertinent information. This will assure that all necessary assessments are considered and a clear rational can be defined, reviewed, agreed and documented prior to the informed consent being signed by the patient. This process will always help ensure that the medical professional is covering the agency and himself from any legal actions that could arise from the medical …show more content…

The reference guide acknowledges that “seeking and giving” consent is usually a process rather than an on-off event as some medical professional act. Informed consent is considered very important prior to undertaking any medical procedures or treatment. Informed consent can also serve to protect patients’ autonomy. Patient autonomy gives the patient the right to make decisions about their healthcare without the regards of their healthcare provider. Also, informed consent helps to ensure the patient’s confidence in the medical professional and the treatment plan by limiting the perception of dishonesty and peer-pressure. Some patients become hesitant to sign documents due to fear and uncertainty in the medical professional. But, if the informed consent has been explained thoroughly and obtained in an appropriate manner than this will help the patient become less resisted with the medical

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