
Injustice Is Unlawful Or Unethical Acts That Are Not Treated Or Punished?

Decent Essays

In The Oresteian Trilogy there is a very apparent theme of injustice throughout the plays. Injustice is unlawful or unethical acts that are not treated or punished the correct way. Integrity and fairness are what I believe have the most impact on the way a person will read and react to injustice. Integrity is the ability to be truthful and honorable to a set of morals that each person grows up to believe. Making a decision without having bias towards a side would considered fair. Clarkson, a prestigious school, is still prone to white supremacy. Being able to teach students these values, integrity and fairness, would lead to a stop to the racism in the school. This personally is and will continue to keep me from getting involved in racial incidents and assist in stopping incidents that I see. Integrity is what every doctor is expected to have. They must diagnose every patient honestly giving them the correct information about themselves and their surroundings. There will be the doctor that is looking for money or in fear of what happens when the truth comes out. Dr. Richard in The Plague is put to the test of his integrity when both Dr. Rieux and Dr. Castel come to him telling him it seems like there is a plague spreading. Rather than telling the public immediately he is afraid of what would happen in reaction to the plague. While people are questioning the deathly sickness spreading he knows but is scared of chaos. Giving out such incoherent information the plague

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