
Insanity In Hamlet Research Paper

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The insanity that Hamlet caused was beyond his comprehension. Throughout the play, Hamlet goes insane when he saw King Hamlet’s ghost and requested Hamlet to avenge his death. In that moment, Hamlet started going insane and promised to kill his uncle (Claudius). This topic relates to society, since there had been cases that all serial killers murder people, because they suffer from mental illness. The fact that Prince Hamlet goes insane, his insanity takes Prince Hamlet out of reality and believes that he should kill his father’s requested target. David Berkowitz said, “my dog told me to kill’” (Berkowitz). Berkowitz was later on discovered with schizophrenia, which is an illness that can make someone’s mind to not agree to reality. Other serial killers, like Ed Gein, was inspired in killing people by fictional characters. All of the other serial killers have the same trait, they all seem to be insane towards people. What type of illness do all serial killers contain? They all thrive on hallucinations and …show more content…

All serial killers become serial killers since they suffer from a mental illness. Many of them suffer from being sociopath and schizophrenia. “Sociopaths tend to have a lower arousal level than that of normal people, this causes impulsiveness and thrill seeking as their need for higher stimulation makes them seek out dangerous situations” (Franzoi). In the play Hamlet, Prince Hamlet his personality changed from a shy innocent person, to an insane person after seeing his father’s ghost. King Hamlet requested Prince Hamlet to kill his killer (Claudius). King Hamlet stated, “Revenge my foul and most unnatural murder” and then Prince stated, “Murder” (I, v,29-30). Prince Hamlet changed from there and started to have schizophrenia because he saw his father’s ghost and didn’t believe it, which is when prince hamlet started to change. This then shows that many serial killers are actually mental, when they start

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