
Insanity In Stephen King's Why We Crave Horror Movies

Decent Essays

We as humans all have a little insanity among us. By no means does this insinuate for one to go out on a killing spree or torture helpless animals. Simply it is a statement that as humans, we all crave the need for a basic animalistic nature that enthralls us with the lust of horror. Has horror movies become the “modern version of the public lynching” (562)? Why do so many Americans crave the need to view horror films? In Stephen King’s essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” he states that “we’re all mentally ill: those of us outside the asylum only hide it a little better” (561). I agree with his statement to a certain extent. For instance, if one is traveling down the highway on a beautiful summer’s day and stumble across a five car pileup, …show more content…

People would dress in their Sunday best to witness the crucifixion of one of their own. Men, women, and children came by the hundreds trying to secure the beat available spot to bear witness to justified murder. Even today, victims’ family members are often invited to observe the one who murdered their loved ones put to death. Our society has become somewhat more civilized but still craves the satisfaction of our morbid curiosity. Horror movies, in my opinion, allow one to release the natural temptation of our sociopathic imagination, and the curiosity of death that we all are enthroned …show more content…

No one looks forward to that time, but it is still a fascination to most. Horror movies bring to life the reality of death, the mind of a killer, and the monsters under the bed that we have all dreamed about at some time or another. It allows one to escape reality for a few short hours and enter into a world of mayhem, to explore a world of unknown. It activates our fight or flight response and the adrenaline kicks into overtime. Essentially, it a kick start to our sometime seemingly boring lives. In our everyday lives we all have “those” days. Days where your life feels like a zoo, days we believe we will not be able to go another step without falling face first, and days where we watch the nightly news and wonder what is this world becoming. King states that “we go to {movies} reestablish our feelings of essential normality” (562). There is nothing normal about horror movies, but he makes a great point. In the life that we live, horror makes one see how much worse life could be. It makes us appreciate our everyday routine and thankful for the air we still are capable of

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