
Inside Job Movie Synopsis

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Inside Job Movie Synopsis
Part I: How We Got Here:
The Reagan Administration of the United States began a thirty-year-period of deregulation by the legislators in the financial system. Deregulation allowed the financial sector more freedom and less discipline, which provided more opportunity for profit and risk. Reflecting the profit growth resulting from deregulation, investment banks went from small, private firms to public companies. To illustrate the growth of the financial sector beginning in the 1970s and continuing into the early 2000s, consider this - from 1978-2008 the average salary in the United States in every profession other than investment banking rose by 25% and the average salary in investment banking rose by 150%.
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Part V: Where We Are Now:
In a word, the pattern of financial dominion that began in the 1970s is continuing today, is characterized by a widening wealth gap between the top one percent and everyone else, as well as a deepening degree of global financial instability - systemic, corporate, and personal. The top financial heads are rising from the top of the pyramid into the lofty airs above the pyramid, while the majority is sinking into the ground. What's more, the financial and government players that combined to lead the global financial crisis - are still in power.

The result of these actions was a massive decline of financial stability for the global masses and a correspondingly massive incline of financial gain for a minority of heads in high finance and government - a trend that continues

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