
Inside The Truman Show Essay

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Inside The Truman Show

“Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.” Peter Weir ended the movie with Truman saying his greeting to the screen as a sign of his freedom from the executive producer Christof. Christof is the criminal mind of the movie, the master who controls everything from the light to the weather. He adopts Truman by the name of the show even before he was born. Then, he has him being filmed until the day Truman successes escaping from the land Christof created. Christof is being represented in the movie as if he were not only the big boss, but also as if he were the legitimate system of a country and maybe even the God. He is a sign of the power of capital, and so it allows him to …show more content…

Media are the platform where sponsors invest their money to gain their power and rule. In order for those investors to rule, they must control the human minds and brainwash them. They do this by convincing people that watching their favorite series on the television while eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream is the ultimate plusser in a boring Friday night. The Truman Show expresses this notion when Truman fights with his wife, and all sudden she ignores the fight and starts talking about the breakfast cereals that has a specific brand name on it. Later on, the executive producer Christof is being hosted in “Tru Talk” Tv show to talk about The Truman Show; therefore, he speaks about the product placement policy since the show runs 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with no commercial breaks, everything in the show is for sale. This level of marketing aims to hook the audience with the show, and the more they see the show the more they feel related to it, and the more they want to use the things that the Hero is using. In other words, sponsors increase the income of their products by creating a strong relationship between the mass and who represented it in the

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