
Insight From Theory And History

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Essay 1
Insights from Theory and History

When referring to the subject of International Political Economy the main focus of study in this field looks at analyzing and finding reasons for the problems that arise or are affected from the interaction of international political decision, international economics, international trade, as well as different social systems and societal groups. Over the course and development of these systems prominent figures of economic theory and government interaction have emerged throughout the years. Two of the most influential theorist that have come to the fore front have been John Maynard Keyes, with his theory of Keynesian economics and Milton Friedman with his idea of monetarism. While both economists have had major influence on modern day economic policies, both theorist have contradicting ideas, this paper will aim to take a look at both Keynes and Friedman’s theories respectively and look at the application of these theories in the real world.
John Maynard Keynes theory of economics rose to prominence following the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929. This crash resulted in a major economic plummet, astonishing rise in unemployment, business closures, and a decline in tax revenues. Due to the occurrence of these events the American government turned to borrowing money from other countries. In addition to borrowing money in an effort to slow the recession, the government used strategies of classical economic theory proposed by Adam

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