
Collapse Of The Great Depression

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Never had the flaws of capitalism been so evident or as devastating as during the decade that followed the outbreak of the Great Depression in 1929. All across the Euro-American heartland of capitalist world, this vaunted economy system seemed to unravel. For the rich it meant contracting stock prices that wiped out paper fortunes almost overnight. On that day that the American stock market initially crashed (October 24, 1929), eleven Wall Street finances committed suicide, some by jumping out of skyscrapers. Banks closed and many more people lost their life savings. Investment dried up, world trade dropped by 62 percent within a few years and businesses contracted when they were unable to sell their products. For ordinary …show more content…

This only deteriorated as businesses would suffer financially and unemployment was at an all the time high. Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt came up with tactics and strategies to lessen the effects of the damage done, the economy wouldn’t fully overcome until after 1939 as World War II shifted America. For a little over a decade, businesses would go through financial turmoil and people would have to find other ways to bring in revenue. During the late summer of the 1929, the American economy entered into a recession. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a recession is defined as a period of reduced economic activity. Investors had traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. That day in history was formally known as “Black Tuesday”. Those same shares had ended up being worthless with no monetary value. The investors who bought them with borrowed money, suffered an excessive lost. Consumer reliability was gone as spending was nonexistent which resulted in factories being closed down. The lack of consumerism also impacted those who had invested in mass production. The consumers who still felt a need to spend, were forced to use credit cards and evidently fell into major debt; foreclosures on homes and repossessions climbed rapidly as people tried their best to live again and have that

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