
Institutional Context Analysis

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Institutional context is a basic structure that consists of federalism the party system the power of presidency, and the checks and balances system that shapes the public policy. With a serious distrust of government the presence of federal government and economics cultural and social has expanded into modernization and Technology. Distrust and the government produces no noticeable or dramatic improvements in the quality of life but it contributes a substantial resistance on new policies initiatives in healthcare education and consumers protection. Institutional contexts reflects what is done how is dying and who is involved in doing it. It embarks on initiatives that share a common interest of a collaboration. Intergovernmental are links between …show more content…

With the changes the aging population is questioned where to find young workers that can keep a productive economy. Immigration changes the shape of America population and present challenges to the state and federal policy because the Asian and Hispanic descent presents opportunities for expansion in the economy and challenges for serving housing, Healthcare, job and schools. Immigration accounts for half of the United States population growth which makes public policy in a number of areas respond two changes in the racial mix of the population. Changes in marriage and families also impact the policy because of the high divorce rates,high illegitimate births, and single family homes. The ideological context as always ranged along a spectrum but liberalism and conservatism have dominated policy-making an evaluation in America. According to the text liberals and conservatives share commitments to abstract ideas such as freedom, democracy, the market system and individualism, which they disagree over the principles that tend to be used in making and evaluating the

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