
Instructions For Selecting Appropriate Words

Better Essays

Chapter 4 Summary
1. Selecting Appropriate Words
a. As you being to write a memo, letter, etc., it is important to reminder yourself who your audience will be.
i. Use words that will be familiar to your audiences.
1. In order to communicate effectively to an audience, you should use words that the audience is familiar with. ii. Aim to use short words.
1. In the book, Business Communication, authors Kathryn Rentz and Paula Lentz explain that, “short words tend to be familiar words” and that the “heavy use of long words…creates an impression of difficulty” even if the long words are understandable. (Rentz) iii. Use slang and popular clichés with caution
1. Although slangs and clichés could make you sound credible with other business …show more content…

ii. Avoid words that stereotype by race, nationality, or sexual orientation.
1. Stereotypes against race, nationally, and sexual orientation is typically negative. When writing, remember to treat everyone as equals. iii. Avoid words that stereotype by age. iv. Avoid words that typecast those with disabilities.
3. Writing Clear Sentences
a. When writing, remember to write in clear sentences.
i. Limit sentence content.
1. People typically prefer a simple sentence over a complex sentence. That is not to say that sometimes a sentence may need to be longer to demonstrate a point. ii. Economize on Words
1. When writing, try to effectively express your point in as few words as possible.
4. Writing Clear Paragraphs
a. Writing clear sentences will lead to writing clear paragraphs. Using paragraphs will help readers understand the flow of your writing.
i. Give paragraphs unity.
1. For each paragraph you write, stick to a single topic for unity and clarity. ii. Keep paragraphs short.
1. Like sentences, try to keep your paragraphs short. That is not to say that occasionally it might be necessary to have long paragraphs, it depends on the main idea of the paragraph. A good rule of thumb is to keep paragraphs to eight sentences in length. iii. Leave out unnecessary details.
1. Be sure to only include information that is relevant to a paragraph. iv. Make paragraphs coherent.
1. When you are finished with writing a

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