
Instrumental-Rational Social Action According To Max Weber

Decent Essays

Instrumental-Rational Social Action According to Max Weber (2017), instrumental-rational social action is boiled out of necessity to achieve a goal. We all endeavor to achieve a result for every ounce of effort we put into actionable course. We do something to achieve a result commensurate to what we put into it. One may go to medical school to become a doctor, because he or she likes to save life and at the same time earn top dollar that is attached to become a doctor, and to be able to achieve that a college degree is required. The modern society is engrossed with the ideology of the instrumental rational social action because of her desire for efficiency and effectiveness, we seek for ways to help streamline things therefore making it sufficiently convenient. Weber believed that modern societies were obsessed with efficiency – modernizing and getting things done, such that questions of ethics, affection and tradition were brushed to one side – this has the consequence of making people miserable and leading to enormous social problems. (Weber, 2017) This is a weighty rationale to conjecture because we are usually hung up on how to better our lives, that we turn blind eyes to the ethical values and how our actions affect other people, if we are not hurt we are less concerned. This is true in nations with the highest number of their citizens seeking refuge in other nations, they work their citizens to the ground in conditions that are appalling and sometimes inhabitable.

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