
Integrated Reporting And Non Financial Information

Best Essays

Introduction to Integrated Reporting 2
Importance of Integrated Reporting 2
Summary of Findings on AGL integrated reporting 3
Mandatory of Integrated Reporting 4
Conclusion 5
Reference 6

Introduction to Integrated Reporting

An Integrated report is a brief statement issued by an organization that includes financial and non-financial information regarding the organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects with the view of explaining the formation of value in the short, medium and long term in regards to its external environment. While some view Integrated reporting (IR) as having the potential to create value in many industries, others see integrated reporting as simply a merger of financial and sustainability report into a single document. (Sokya, 2013)
Integrated reporting may be used as a management device; the success of the current business model and corporate decision-making processes in dealing with economic, social and environmental difficulties that arise during business can be summed up in an integrated report. An integrated report creates value for shareholders and the wider stakeholders in society by balancing the imperative for long-term sustainability with short-term gain. For instances, AGL’s integrated business plan is to balance the risk between supply of energy and their customers’ demand for energy while addressing the long term social and environmental impact of their operations. The errors occur in financial report can be

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