
Intelligent Design Essay

Decent Essays

Intelligent Design

Look at the world. Its a complex biosphere with many creatures and organisms which we haven't even discovered yet. This world and its life forms are so complex we haven't even come close to solving all its mysteries. All that we humans can do is offer suggestions and theories, but nothing concrete. In this equation we can't even answer the most important question. How was the Earth formed? We offer theories but in the end they are nothing more than theories. Suggestion to a reason which we can't understand.
Why are we here? What is our purpose? If man is looking for a purpose, then is he saying that there is a reason he is here? What good would a purpose be if you have no reason for having it? What is …show more content…

So by removing the air we have in a sense taken away part of the Earth, right. By taking away that part of the Earth, the "machine" is broken. If you look at the Earth in this sense, it is a machine by definition.

Premise number two says, "Machines do not appear by chance, but are intelligently designed." With this in mind remember we said the Earth is like a machine, so if machine don't appear by chance someone must have created the Earth. Who could have done this?
If we stop and think about what we have learned as kids, that the Earth was created by
God. Is that really so hard to believe? Is it easier to believe in chance? Look how well the environment works together. Everything depended on eachother, just like parts in a machine. Everything fits together. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the World is perfect, not even machines are perfect. They all have glitches. All I'm saying is that things work too well to be just by chance. Does a 747 get assembled by all the materials just being there? It requires designers and builder. Without these designers and builder you could leave those materials there for billions of years and you still wouldn't have a 747 built. So if the Earth is more complex, than a 747, then how can we say it just made itself?

I consider myself to be a pretty open minded person, so I can see where people who say that the world is not a machine, are coming from. You say the world isn't like a

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