As a practicing Catholic, I consider myself open minded about other religions I had some previous knowledge of Judaism, taking a religion class last year. I welcome and respect our differences. I try not to judge or let my views interfere in the beliefs of others. I am open to learning more to better understand those beliefs. All religions adapt to the ever-changing world we live in. I feel we should not judge others, attempt to learn and understand each other, and grow and change over time in regard to religion.
Initially, I thought I was pretty well informed about Judaism, but as I continued to watch I realized there is always more to learn. One particularly interesting fact that stood out to me was why they blow the rams horn. They think of it as a way to “wake up sleepers”. They believe doing this will remind people of what is really important. People of all faiths sometimes need to be reminded of what is really important in life.
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I have always found treatment of the Jews to be offensive and unacceptable. Until more recently, I did not understand Judaism very well. I knew that Rash Hashanah is the Jewish new year and the Torah is their religious text. I also knew of the five books of Moses. I am aware that Rash Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the two holy days of Judaism. I have heard of the Menorah, but until I watched the videos, did not know that it represents the Jews triumph over religious persecution. I had never heard that Jewish people empty their pockets into water to be rid of
Judaism, which originated in the middle east, is one of the oldest religions in the world. Judaism is the religion from where Catholicism and Islam have their roots. The main difference between Judaism and the previously mentioned religions is that Judaism is based on the old testament entirely excluding the new testaments in its teachings. Jews believe that they are the people chosen by God and that because of the covenant they have the duty, more than any other group of people, to keep the law of God. The law of God in Judaism comes in the form of the Torah. The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which are said to have been written by Moses, form the Torah.
Something I find interesting is the stages of development and sacred writings of Judaism and the Jewish worldview, nothing where there has been reinterpretation of traditional teachings by some Jews today. The distinctive characteristics of this worldview are a shared belief in a single, personal, supreme God, creator and judge of all that is. A belief that humans have a special, spiritual status and are at the center of God’s creation. A view of time as linear, with a beginning and an end; a belief in reward or punishment after death; and an emphasis on God’s revelation of a way of ethical living.
Throughout history, hatred has been a widespread thought which has caused widespread death, chaos, and war. One huge and important example would be the Holocaust. This idea that Jewish
The intended audience for this article was towards readers who don’t recognize what is actually happening with the Jews and Anti-Semitism, and what could occur from it. This forms a teacher/student relationship between the author and her readers because she is teaching them from her own experience, and what she knows about the Holocaust and Jewish mistreatment. I will use this article to answer my GRQ because I believe it provides me with clear and concise evidence, and connects the treatment of Jews in modern day to the time of World War 2 efficiently. This article specifically relates to my GRQ by providing me with an evident answer for my question on how the treatment of Jews has evolved since World War 2. The author does this by saying “The horror of the Holocaust cleansed our society of anti-Semitism at the official level but the simmering resentment of a group that is different, that maintains its identity, that has been pilloried throughout history by religious and political leaders, remains” (Rebrik
The dynamic nature of Judaism offers a successful living religion as a result of its strongly withheld characteristics. Through essential characteristics such as central beliefs, sacred texts, writings, ethical teachings and rituals and ceremonies, Judaism offers a dynamic nature and liveable religion that connects an individual and society with its roots. The way this living religion advances and grows is because of its dynamic characteristics as a whole. Importantly, these characteristics combined form the true nature of the religion rather than separately.
“A Woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” Known as the reluctant first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt demonstrated how strong she was while holding various titles. During her lifetime, she was a politician, diplomat, writer, activist, mother, and wife. Eleanor Roosevelt made impacts on the United States during her life before the White House, her life as the First Lady, and after her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s, death.
Jews had faced many hardships before the Holocaust. For a very long time Jews have always felt like they have never fit in or that there has always been some sort of hostility
In class lately we have been talking about the holocaust. I think that people treat others badly because they don’t look like they do and have different religions. One example of this is from the experiment we studied in class called Brown Eyes versus Blue Eyes. In that video it was giving one part of the class more power than the other part so it made the kids feel like they were better. From the Diary of Anne Frank the Germans were treating the Jews like they were less important. When the Germans came in most the Jews were taken right away, but in the story of Anne Frank, her family hide from the green police and some other they're friends stayed with them.
I learned a lot of facts about Judaism that I had previously been ignorant to. I had no idea that we (Christians & Jews) maintained the same bible (The Old Testament) but that we interpreted certain events differently, such as Adam and Eve. “In Judaism, each and every human being is free to choose good or evil because each person stands before God in the same relationship that Adam and Eve did” (Esposito 77). I was unaware that Judaism did not believe in “original sin.” I had no knowledge of the fact that Jews did not believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead. I found it interesting how Jews have split into separate groups – Reform Jews, who believe that Judaism is a cultural inheritance and that neither the laws nor beliefs are
Throughout the history of the world, the Jewish people have been persecuted and oppressed because of their religious beliefs and faith. Many groups of people have made Jews their scapegoat. Jews have suffered from years of intolerance because people have not understood what the religion really means. They do not understand where and why the religion began, nor the customs of it's people. For one to understand the great hardships, triumphs, and history of the Jewish people one must open-mindedly peruse a greater knowledge of the Jewish people and faith.
Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Many people belong to this religion. However, what happens when you don’t belong to Christianity. One of the most ancient religions that still are very much provident is the Jewish Religion. However, this religion isn’t a respected religion even after the time of Holocaust. Even today Jews continue to be the victims of many hate crimes. Donald Altschiller book, Hate Crimes: a Reference Handbook, states that, “anti-Semitism has had a pernicious history throughout the ages and around the world” (6). Anti-Jewish hatred and violence has always been one of the highest of hate crimes and Altschiller reinforces this by commenting that “the majority of attacks upon individuals or institutions because of their religion—averaging 85 percent have been targeted at Jewish Americans” (16). You would think that after the Holocaust the Jewish people would get some remorse and peace and yet these people are still victims and to make maters worse one of the highest statistics for hate crimes. Jewish religion has suffered so much pain and chaos even after the Holocaust that they need to have some peace because these people endeavor so many assaults. For example, in
Judaism originated a very long time ago, it is a part of the Bronze Age Polytheistic Ancient Semitic religions. The Jewish calendar goes back more than 5000 years, most scholars date the beginning of the religion of the Israelites to the known founder, Abraham, whose life is generally dated around 2000 to 1800 B.C.E. Abraham came to believe that the universe was the works of a single creator, and taught this to other believers. Therefore, Judaism is the first recorded religion to advocate monotheism, meaning there is only one God. Both Christianity and Islam found some of their roots in Judaism, about 2,000 years after Abraham, Jesus was born into Judaism. Then after Jesus, Muhammad could trace his ancestry back to Abraham. Judaism has three essential parts the written Torah, the recognition of Israel, which are the descendants of Abraham, as uniquely holy people chosen by God, and also it is a requirement that Israel lives in accordance with God's laws as it’s said in the Torah.
Judaism is practiced by almost half of the country and is one of the oldest and biggest monistic religions. The laws they follow come from the Torah which comes straight from the Hebrew bible. This paper will consist of Jewish traditions regarding food preferences and avoidances, death/dying, communication, and grieving.
Judaism, which is made up of a few separate groups, was very common at the originating of Christianity. The common ground (shared beliefs) for these sects was the belief in One God and that this One God had made a covenant with the people of Israel. The foundation of this covenant was called “The Torah.” The Pharisees and Sadducees were the two main groups the Bible focuses on around the time of Jesus, along with the Zealots, the Hellenists, the Lawyers, and the Essenes, who we only read about in sources outside of the New Testament.
During the course of this class, I have learned a lot about different religions. I still have an unprejudiced view of religion. However, I did not suspend my belief to have an understanding of religion. I have been able to learn of other religious beliefs without feeling threatened of my own. I found there are many different practices in other religions, some I agree with and some I do not agree with. I have come to except others, ways of worship without getting upset. I have become humble in my conclusion now that I have a better understanding of others beliefs. The world seems to jump to conclusions and be judgmental about other religions. Postponing ones judgement on a religion is a difficult thing to do. Being raised and taught a certain religion and set of beliefs is distilled in to one’s mind. I, on the other hand, reserved my personal judgement until I have learned more about it.