
Interruption During Medication Errors

Good Essays

Background Medication error is defined as the following by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention: “any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling; packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use” (Anthony, Wiencek, Bauer, Daly, & Anthony, 2010). Medication errors cause increased length of patient hospitalization and morbidity and mortality (Pape …show more content…

Simple to intricate tasks are performed simultaneously, which involves significant attention and critical thinking (Williams, King, Thompson, & Champagne, 2014). Interruptions or distraction during medication preparation and administration may lead to human error and affect patient outcomes (Williams et al.). System deficits are often the root cause for errors and interruptions during medication preparations (Anthony, Wiencek, Bauer, Daly, & Anthony, 2010). It has been found 17% of the nurses’ time is spent on administrating medication; and in one single shift, each nurse has an average of 30 interruptions (Anthony et al.). Examples of interruptions are: prescribed medications not available, patient activities and needs during time of medication administration, and interruptions from phone calls or colleagues (Stamp & Willis, 2009). As interruptions play a significant factor in regarding patient safety, there have been many strategies and initiatives to reduce the number of interruptions nurses experience during preparation and administration of medications (Stamp & Willis). This rapid review will discuss interruptions, the various strategies and initiatives, and limitations to reduce interruptions related to medication errors in nursing …show more content…

Two streams of searches will be conducted for the research question: one will be focused on the interruptions during medication preparation and administration leading to medication errors, and another will be focused on strategies for preventing these interruptions (See Table 1 and 2 for search vocabularies and strategies for each of the two databases). The two streams of searches were done separately to limit bias and ensure accuracy. MESH and CINAHL Headings terms will be utilized as much as possible. For terms without MESH or CINAHL Headings associated, free vocabularies with truncations will be used. For terms the reviewers want to be grouped together specifically, they will be placed in quotations. Differing authors may use differing terms. For instance, some use medication distractions as opposed to medication interruptions. For this reason, the reviewers will attempt to perform a detailed thorough search using several synonymous free vocabularies with truncations. Articles from 1900 to 2015 will be included for the searches, to maximize the number of articles obtained for screening purposes. Preliminary inclusion criteria are full-text articles of empirical studies in the English language. Preliminary exclusion criteria are articles without abstracts or full-text and articles not accessible via the University

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