
Intervention, Differentiated Instruction, And The Relationship Between The Processes

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Response to Intervention, Differentiated Instruction, and the Relationship between the Processes Response to Intervention and Differentiated Instruction are educational methods that ensure that students are getting the instruction that best meets their own specific learning needs and best maximizes their potential to learn and grow. RTI focuses on meeting every students needs by getting more structured and individualized as a learner moves through the tiers of the system. DI is a method that all teachers use in their classrooms on a daily basis to ensure that all students are learning and succeeding to their best potential. When these processes are combined and implemented effectively, students are given opportunities to increase their learning and build on their education to the fullest. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a research-based practice created under the Early Intervening Services provision of the IDEIA Act (Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and National Head Start Association, 2014, p.108). It is more specifically defined by the video “RTI and DI: The dynamic duo”, as “a research-based process that targets every child’s learning needs.” The goal of RTI is to provide every student with the individual support that they need as early as possible (Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children…, 2014, p.108). RTI was designed as an improved and

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