
Analysis Of The Article ' Relations Between The And Rti On Literacy And Language '

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The article “Relations Between the CCSS and RTI in Literacy and Language” begins with explaining that there is decline in learning literacy and literacy knowledge in students. Response to Intervention (RTI) and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS-EL) are considered the solution to the literacy problem (Wixson, 2012). The authors of the article go in to great detail to explain RTI and CCSS and there collaboration in the process of improving literacy and language. RTI is an intervention system that is planned to increase student’s literacy. RTI is also considered a screener for students with learning difficulties (Wixson, 2012). RTI is considered to be a way to give students services before we label them with a …show more content…

For example: grades k-5 are broken down by text type – informational and literature (Wixson, 2012). While, 6-12 are broken down into subject areas (Wixson, 2012). The author mentions in the article that the goal for CCSS-ELA aligned with RTI is to "they actively seek the wide, deep, and thoughtful engagement with high-quality literary and informational texts that builds knowledge, enlarges experience, and broadens world views” (Wixson, 2012). There is a problem that goes along with RTI. There is no specific approach to teaching RTI and therefore teachers must decide on the best approach (Wixson, 2012). Sometimes teachers lack in the area of providing intervention to children who need it the most and therefore the child suffers. RTI’s goal is to see if the children are benefiting for CCSS and are becoming prepared for the outside world, however with little to no approaches, there is hesitation in the success (Wixson, 2012). People working closely with RTI are trying to analyze the benefits of RTI and the success of it. In regards to ELA, RTI is designed to focus on the “Big 5”: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension” (Wixson, 2012). In addition, to the approaches problem, there comes an assessment problem. The main piece of RTI is to progress monitor and assess your student’s growth. For CCSS, the only way to assess

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