
Interview At Hamline Elementary At 11

Decent Essays

On March 6, 2017, I interviewed my host teacher, Ms. Moos. The interview took place in Ms. Moos’s room at Hamline Elementary at 11:30 A.M., which is during her prep hour, lasted for almost a half hour. Ms. Moos is an EBD (Emotional Behavioral Disorder) teacher for Kindergarten through second grade. She uses a combination of pulling students out of a general education setting, giving more intense educational support, to inclusion within a general education setting, so students are actively engaging with their peers with a more personalized and supported approach. Students that she provides services for have exceptionalities such as developmental delays, learning disabilities, and other heath disabilities. Throughout the interview, I asked …show more content…

The acceptance and inclusion of students with exceptionalities into general education settings was awesome to see being used, rather than reading it in a text book. Although knowledge provided by textbooks is essential, being able to receive advice from someone whose daily life is spent teaching and interacting with students with exceptionalities is also very valuable. When I asked for advice that would be helpful for new teachers who will work with students with special needs, I received a plethora of suggestions. Ms. Moos said that a new teacher needs to have high expectations for all students, including those with exceptionalities. She also said that it is important to keep in contact with special education teachers and the students’ parents. The one piece of advice that stood out to me was to no believe everything within an IEP. Ms. Moos said this with caution. She noted that the information provided within an IEP is important and useful, but if not read with proper thoughtfulness one may understand the student differently than they may be. To combat such a situation, Ms. Moos, first, recommended that we get to know the student first before we judge them based on their IEP. She also suggested that the circumstances in which the parts of the IEP were based on may be different than circumstances a student could currently be in. This piece of advice, along with tips, gave me a new perspective on approaching an IEP. Ms. Moos’s response to being

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