
Interview From My Subculture Of People With Siblings Who Have Developmental Disabilities

Decent Essays

One of the people who I chose to interview from my subculture of people with siblings who have developmental disabilities is my roommate Hannah Dorough. Hannah and I had met briefly before coming to school at various events through the University Honors Program before we truly introduced ourselves at SOAR at the beginning of June. Since then, we have become close friends throughout our time spent living together in our dorm room. I interviewed Hannah in our dorm room this past Sunday after I got back to school from my weekend at home. We were sitting in the living space of our room that we share with two other girls when I interviewed her about her five-year-old half-sister named Bethany, who has autism. Hannah sat on the arm of the couch while I sat on the couch cushions because that is where we both prefer to sit, even when we are just hanging out around the room. Hannah moved throughout the kitchen area and living space, as well as venturing into her room and bathroom when she received a call from her boyfriend, Alex, during the interview. I, however, remained in my spot on the couch for the interview 's duration. I chose to interview Hannah in our dorm room because the setting was comfortable for both of us because we live there. However, there were a few distractions in our room because my other roommates and a few friends were over at the same time, so they were having their own conversations at the same time. Despite these distractions, I feel that our interview was

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