
Interview Report : My Mother Essay

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Interview Report I interviewed my mother Jane Million. My brother has Asperger’s. He is ten years old, and in fifth grade. He is Caucasian, and my mother’s household is considered under the poverty line. He is diagnosed with Asperger’s. He I very good with mechanical skills. He can build many things, and loves almost any type of puzzle. Unfortunately he is not very good with reading or writing. He has two siblings at home. His favorite color is red. His favorite hobby is watching TV, coloring, and building things out of Legos. A typical weekday with joseph is very structured. First of all he is woken up at seven. The only person who is allowed to wake joey up is Jane. If anyone else tries to he will throw massive fits until Jane calms him down. Then Jane has to tell him to go to the bathroom or he will forget and will have an incident. Then he gets ready. If he gets ready fast enough Jane will let him play games on her phone until the bus arrives. Then joey goes to school where he spends ninety percent of his time in a special education classroom. Then after school he rides the bus home. Tiffany gets off work around the time he comes home and she watches him until Jane gets home at ten thirty. Jane taught joey how to make sandwiches, use a can opener, and cook mac and cheese, and ramen noodles. She does this because tiffany goes to bed early and doesn’t like to cook for joey so this way he can cook dinner when she forgets. When Jane comes home at ten thirty joey goes to

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