
Intimate Partner Violence Analysis

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From a theoretical perspective the explanation of violence against women has been underreported for years. The idea of violence against women had become a major societal issue. Intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy has also became a major issue in the United States, estimates that 3 percent to 17 percent of women experience violence during prenatal stage. Social justice and advocacy practice is important in efforts to combat the discrepancy in services with our clients. Legislative advocacy is imperative and time-consuming endeavors that have incredible potential for aiding clients. Two articles I will discuss scrutinize the scope of social services provided for women who are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and provide …show more content…

National study reporting that among pregnant women in the United States, homicide is the second most predominant cause of traumatic death. Research indicates a number of other poor health and mental consequences for both mother and child when IPV occurs during pregnancy. In practice, fewer than 10 percent of health-care practitioners consistently screen for IPV. Social workers have the opportunity to influence the issue of IVP and pregnancy at various levels comprises the delivery of effective services to survivors. Social work practice is beneficial, therefore, in assessment, intervention, referral, prevention, policymaking, and research processes are related to IPV and pregnancy. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of this study on the scope and impact of IPV during pregnancy and to identify best practices for social workers for intervention. Iovanni &Miller, (2001) discuss the focus on recent development in the criminal justice system’s handling of the domestic violence cases. During the 1070s and early 980s the victims’ rights movement and the women’s movement took a stance against the criminal justice system as a whole. As a result of the battered women’s shelter movement exposed how widespread and common DV was and demonstrated that women who are battered are not pathologically ill. The article analyses the …show more content…

Social workers should take a stance on informing agencies that are at the forefront of DV and IPV during pregnancy for the following reasons: implementation of policies, the role of social workers in prevention of DV/IPV during pregnancy and educating agencies practice and attitudes when dealing and delivering services. For example, social workers, healthcare professionals, law enforcement agencies ( police, courts, probation and etc.) attitude towards DV cases according to Iovanni & Miller,(2001) some officers believe that women stay in abusive relationships due to inconsistency in complaints after arrest some women would drop chargers. The implementation of mandatory arrest intention were good, but the idea backfired on women when it's sole purpose is to protect women from DV and IPV. Women are likely to be arrested the statute indicated to arrest the primary aggressor as probable cause. Lastly, better training and education of law enforcement agencies, healthcare professionals in both dynamics of DV/IPV during pregnancy and in communication with victims to tackle dual arrest

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