
Intimate Partner Violence ( Rdp ) Or Domestic Violence

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Introduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or domestic violence (DV) reportedly affects more than 5 million Americans each year (Goodley & Fowler, 2006). IPV is the most common cause of nonfatal injury to women it the United States (U.S.). It is an ongoing issue that was first widely recognized as a major societal concern in the 1970’s (Nicholls &Hamel 2015). It is a significant problem with critical consequences for an individuals overall health and well-being. IPV not only has acute effects but lifelong implications as well. It is not limited to one group but crosses all barriers, it has an effect on both genders, people of all ages, all races, all cultures, all educational levels and all socio-economical backgrounds. Although, IPV affects both genders, this paper will focus primarily on women. It will seek to examine the repercussions of IPV on the victim’s health as well as children exposed to IPV. This topic is important to discuss in order to reduce the occurrence of IPV and to be able to better support victims of IPV. It is not a problem that can be solved overnight or with one specific intervention, but must be addressed through a collaborative effort from individuals within a community. Definition IPV is a term that describes any physical, sexual, or psychological harm committed by a current or former partner or spouse. IPV is used as an effort to control an intimate partner. This partner may be a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, a sexual partner or someone

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