
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Rewards

Satisfactory Essays

The debate on reward is very polarizing and in the articles by Chance and Kohn, the sides were clearly stated. Before diving into the major arguments, it is important to understand the concept of rewards. Rewards come in two forms intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards are internal reward a person gives themselves. The feeling of personal achievement or accomplishment are examples of intrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are important because they promote self-motivation. I know from personal experience I feel an intrinsic reward when I am challenged in a course but in the end master the material. The other type of reward is extrinsic. Extrinsic rewards are tangle rewards awarded by an external source. Extrinsic rewards are the motivators. Examples include candy for a child to complete a task or a gold star for good behavior. Extrinsic rewards have found their way into everyday life from childhood to adulthood. The positive for rewards is seen in the arguments presented by Chance. Rewards do motivate people to do the task assigned. Rewards get results. Students are given an external motivation to behave a certain way or do an activity. When an extrinsic reward is present student do the work. Rewards do more than just motivate, they play a role in learning as well. In the classroom, students are given a task and if a teacher never “rewards” or gives feedback to a student how it the student supposed to know they are doing the right thing. Rewards give students feedback which is important for a child. When a student is given an unfamiliar task, the guidance is need and is seen in the form of a reward, positive feedback. Rewards are not always seen as a positive thing and the opinion of Kohn argues that rewards are detrimental to learning. Kohn argues that rewards are controlling and instead of teachers working with students, rewards are making student do rather than learn. Learning is the goal and rewards undermined genuine interest in learning. When extrinsic rewards present students are not motivated by intrinsic rewards of the self-gratification of gaining knowledge but rather focused on the tangible extrinsic reward. Extrinsic rewards distract students of the real reward, that is learning its self.

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