
Punished By Rewards

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Punished by Rewards is a book that was somewhat easy for me to choose. I chose it mostly because I found the title to be interesting. I inferred that it would be about how the use of rewards for children negatively affects them and motivates them for all the wrong reasons. This is an idea I agree with; therefore, I thought I would give the book a try. Throughout the book, the author’s major theme is that we, as a society, use reward almost like “bribes”. For example, we say “If you do this, then you can have this”. The author sees this as problematic for a number of reasons. For one, it is bad motivation for students They are doing what they’re told solely because they hope to get what they are promised in return. In all actuality, they should be doing what they are told simply because it is the right thing to do. Also, it is a bribe. The only reason teachers are giving students these things in return is because they hope it will convince the …show more content…

He feels as though the many problems in the “academic promotion system” are because of these special rewards that teachers give to students to do better school work are doing more harm than good (Martin). Martin feels as though using the finding in Punished by Rewards in colleges/universities would change education in America for the better. Not only does he see the negative affects of rewards in education, he sees them in colleges, jobs, and competitions as well. The use of rewards causes people to do better; however, they do better for insufficient reasons. Though Brian Martin agrees with Koh’s ideas, he believes that the most harmful use of reward is seen through grades and/or degrees that are given to students. Students are only trying hard because they want a “good” grade, not because that actually want to learn; and this is a large problem in the field of education

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