
Introduction. The Doctrine Of Scripture Is One Of The Most

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Introduction The doctrine of Scripture is one of the most important and foundational teachings in the Church. The Creator seeks to make himself known to his people, and Scripture is one of the primary modes in which God speaks timeless truth to his people. God’s revelation through the Scriptures is not simply for knowledge of God, it is God’s way of relating with people. God’s desire to reveal himself is very much personal and relational in nature (Erickson, 145); we can know him more intimately through the Scriptures. Therefore, the Doctrine of Scripture should not be taken lightly; for how we regard the Scriptures will ultimately shape our view of who God is. What do the Scriptures say about itself? About God? How did the Scriptures …show more content…

In Genesis 1, we read in the very first few words of the Scriptures, “God said”. The sheer power and magnitude of God’s spoken word brought the heavens and earth into existence. God is revealed in creation, and the heavens declare His glory (Psalm 19). When God established his covenant with Israel, he gave Moses the guidelines of the law that Israel was to follow. This was the Word of God spoken to Moses, and inscribed by the finger of God on tablets of stone (Exodus 31:18). The purpose of the law was not simply a contractual agreement of terms, but a relationship between God and His people being brought together for God purpose, and for Israel’s prosperity (Exodus 19:4). The Scriptures also reveal God speaking through the prophets. A prophet was one who was chosen by God to speak on his behalf to the people of Israel. There was nothing divine or special about the prophets, they were willing servants whom God had chosen to work through. Prophets did not have a supernatural experience with God when he spoke to them. It was synonymous with the writing of the Scriptures in that it was God’s divine revelation that was impressed upon the prophets. The book of Jeremiah is one of several in the Scriptures that reveal God speaking directly to an individual in order for the individual to convey God’s word to his people. Prophets did not operate autonomously, they were to convey specifically what God had given them to say.

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