
Scripture Is The Infallible Word Of God Essay

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I believe that scripture is the infallible Word of God, divinely inspired by God through human hands, for the teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training of Christians and forming the basis of the Christian life and guiding them on the path to Christ. I believe that scripture is infallible rather than inerrant, because human writers through which God spoke can still make mistakes. However, Matthew 24:35 reminds us that God’s word is true in all ages and places. 2 Timothy 3:16 gives reasons why it is import for believes to use the scripture such as teaching and correcting. Scripture guides us along the path we should as evidences by Psalms 119:105 comparing Scripture to a lamp to show us the way. I have also personal experienced the wisdom that the scriptures can offer to those who need guidance. I also believe that scripture should be the main point of guidance, which is something that my church has taught me such I was young. Matthew 7:24 instructs us to build our house on the rock (scripture) which is the most solid place to rest our life.
I believe that the Father is the first, yet equal, part of the trinity, the perfect, unchanging Creator God who rules over the universe as the highest power. He always has been and always will be the eternal master of humanity. I believe and have been taught by my church to believe, that God is part of the trinity, equal in importance to the other two members. Jesus equates himself with the Father in John 10:30, saying

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