
Investigating Correlation Between Angles Of Incidence And Angle Of Refraction

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In the first part of this experiment we used a flat, concave, and convex mirror to determine the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection for a light rays reflection on these mirrors, seen in Procedure A. In the second part of this experiment we used a light source, a three-way mirror, a rhombus prism, and a protractor to measure angles of a light ray. All of these instruments and devices were used to examine the relationship of the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction for a light ray passing through a rhombus prism, seen in Procedure B. Lastly, in the third part of this experiment we used an acrylic rhomboid to observe the dispersion through the lens, seen in Procedure C and then proceed with calculating the different indices or refraction for different colors of light, seen in Procedure D.

Part A: Reflection

We observe the Law of Reflection, which states that the angle of incidence will equal the angle of reflection coming from a beam of light. As Procedure A will show, when a beam of light is directed on a mirror being either flat, concave, or convex the beam of light will change directions according to the mirrors. The angle between the normal line and the first beam is known as the angle of incidence, (ϴi). The angle between the normal and reflected beam is known as the angle of the reflection, (ϴr). With these symbols we obtain the equation: ϴi= ϴr

Part B: Refraction

When a beam of light is directed

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