
Investigating Heat Associated With Chemical Change

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Experiment 1- Heat Associated with Chemical Change
In this experiment, the heat of combustion was determined. As the first law of thermodynamics stated that energy is conserved meaning that heat cannot be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction, but it is transferred from one system to another. The heat of the system was measured by burning a candle that had an initial mass of 7.1954 g. The candle was placed under an aluminum bottle. The aluminum can contain water that has a mass of 105.2609 g and an initial temperature of 17.8 ˚C. Heat from burning the candle was transferred to the water, causing the temperature of the water inside the can to increase by 20 ˚C, giving a final temp of
38.0˚C. The final mass of the candle was measured to be 6.6469 g. Indicating that the candle lost
0.5485 grams of its initial mass. Using the equation q = S*g*delta T to measure calories of heat absorbed by water, where S refer to the heat capacity of water (1.00 Cal/g/˚C). Where g is the initial mass of water, and delta T is the temperature difference before and after heating. q= (1.00 Cal/g/˚C) * (105.2609 g) * (38.0 C-20.2˚C) = 2126.3 calories
Then the calories of heat produced per gram of candle burned = H= q/G. Where q was equal to
2126.3 cal. And G the mass of candle burned.
H= (2126.3 cal)/(0.5485 g) = 3876.52 cal/g
Performing the experiment indicated that heat was transferred from burning the candle into the water in forms of calories causing an increase in water temperature and

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