
Investigating The Behavior Of An Offender Within The Criminal Justice System

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What causes Crime? This question is one that has been asked many times resulting in many different answers each more diverse than the other. One would think the question would be seemingly easy to answer, however that would be incorrect. There are various theories that have developed over time which begins to explain possible reasons why some make the choice to commit crime and others do not. The subject of predicting and preventing crime is a complicated one and has been intensely analyzed now for some time.
Theories are part of a process that analyze and address the creation of laws, the violating of laws, and the enforcing of laws. Theories attempt to explain the behavior of an offender within the criminal justice system as well as …show more content…

The biological approach believes us to be a result of our genetics and physiology.
Social structure, as it relates to Criminal offenders, is the theory that asks the question of “why” individuals in today’s society commit criminal acts. The social structure theory presumes that individuals falling within the lower class and facing economic hardships are more prone to commit criminal offenses including acts of violence because of their social status in a community or a society. It is believed the poor are more likely to commit crime because it is the only way in which they can accrue money an increase social success. Social structure theory has three schools of thought--social disorganization, strain, and cultural deviance theories. Social Disorganization is the focus on environment, which can be seen demonstrated in neighborhoods that are prone to illegal activities and citizens fail to work together in an effort to solve problems. In other words, a person 's residential location is a significant factor when determining the likelihood that that person will become involved in crime. Neighborhoods with residents who know each other, enjoy social gatherings together, and keep an eye on one another’s children, are more likely to experience less crime and more likely to positively influence the resident youth. For example, the close network of neighbors who may come

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