
Investment Goal 1

Satisfactory Essays

Investment Goal 1: Peter and Kevin are hoping to save enough money to buy a home within three years.
What will he use the money for?
-To purchase a home
How much money do you need to satisfy your investment goals?
- They will have to pay a down payment or any additional fees ranging from 5- 20% of the house price. I would recommend saving at 20% to avoid any surprises and to be prepared for any additional fees. Therefore, saving about $70,000-$75,000 is a good idea to ensure all costs are covered.
How will you obtain the money?
- Peter and Kevin should obtain money by having an automatic monthly or biweekly deposits into their savings account just for purchasing a home. A savings account will also help the couple gain a small amount of interest on their money. To help …show more content…

- I think these investment goals are reasonable because the dollar in Canada is currently going up, Although the dollar is still pretty low in comparison to the states, Canada is getting better compared to what it previously was. Peter also has a steady job which he says he could possibly pursue further which means a raise or a promotion can be available.
Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to ensure that you meet your investment goals?
-I hope Peter and Kevin are will to give up more entertainment, expensive dates and vacations to help save money when trying to purchase a home. Also eliminating purchases that are not necessary like band new shoes or sunglasses and only buying things that are essential like food and water.
What will the consequences be if you don’t reach your investment goal?
-The main consequence for not purchasing a home would be spending your money on renting an apartment without receiving any benefit beside living in it. Kevin and Peter would be wasting money as they continue to pay rent instead of putting money down for a house.
Investment goal 2: Peter is selecting a mutual fund for his

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