
Invisalign Braces Essay

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Invisalign Braces For Adults Feeling uncomfortable with your smile can have a far-reaching negative effect on your day-to-day life. Dental braces are considered the norm for children and teenagers, but as an adult, they may leave you feeling self-conscious and frustrated, especially if your line of business calls for you to be constantly interacting with colleagues and clients. Traditional fixed braces can also leave your mouth feeling terribly sore, which can make the simplest of everyday tasks seem exhausting. Invisalign Braces Have The Answer! Invisalign braces are virtually invisible as they are constructed from clear plastic. There are no metal parts, which means that you can smile confidently throughout the entire teeth straightening process. Invisalign braces are also removable so you …show more content…

Every two weeks or so, you replace your current aligners for the next set in the series. By doing this, your teeth will shift little-by-little towards their final position. As the changes are gradual, you have a smaller amount of discomfort and pain during Invisalign treatment than you would feel with traditional fixed braces. The treatment procedure usually takes somewhere between 6 and 15 months to finish, depending on severity of the issue that is to be fixed. The Invisalign Treatment Process Your Invisalign consultation The first step in your treatment plan is to speak with your Invisalign Dentist and talk about the possible Invisalign treatment strategies that are available to you. Impressions (moulds) of your teeth are then made and images of you smile are taken. Your Invisalign assessment 3D computerised images of your teeth are generated to enable you to see what your smile will look like once the straightening procedure is complete. Your custom-made Invisalign braces are then prepared. Your Invisalign treatment

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