
Invisible Man By Ralph Waldo Ellison

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The 1940’s - 1950 's, was an intense time period for the US, The world was at war as the decade began, all within the confines of a great depression that was affecting the lives of all Americans, but when Pearl Harbor was attacked, the United States could no longer be on the sidelines. Through the courage and dedication of the soldiers who fought in the European or South Pacific theaters, they spent much of this decade in a battle for a way of life that the country and western powers had spent two centuries building. By the end of the decade, that war would be won and the build back on the front burner. Ralph Waldo Ellison was an African-American writer and scholar recognized for his famous, award-winning novel Invisible Man. Ellison was …show more content…

Bledsoe. Dr. Bledsoe provides the narrator with letters of recommendation, only for him to later realize that Dr. Bledsoe was giving him false hope. Later on, the narrator comes in contact with a motherly woman named Mary who decides to take care of him after his discharge from the factory hospital. The narrator uses his speechmaking skills to help an elderly couple that was being evicted. He is then met by Brother Jack who soon makes him a new member of the Brotherhood. He comes t the realization that mary reminds him of a past that he can not quite escape from, making him leave her house. At the rally with members of the brotherhood, even though he looked over the material given to him to discuss, he instead speaks from the heart which alarms other members. In the final chapters, The narrator receives a warning about his work especially in a “white man’s world” but then is later reassured by Brother he has no enemies. Later he meets a white woman who professes her deep interest with the ideologies of the brotherhood and soon has an affair with her shortly afterward. Then, is metThe car has met once again with his past when Clifton is killed and the streets of Harlem degenerate to times before the impacts of the brotherhood. He also runs into conflict with members of the brotherhood accusing him of using the brotherhood for his own benefit.The narrator makes a final reflection of the phenomenon in his life that has

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