All over the world, many different people worship many different humanitarians who have effected life today. Many people see the different sides of a story, but eventually see the hero’s side of the story, which might not be the best there is. With life as it is today, a people will have to truly fit into someone else’s shoes in order to understand their life story. Although, even the best stories are judged by the appearance of it’s owner. Many humanitarians are looked to as world heroes, perhaps the ones who might have made a huge impact are Irena Sendler, Mahatmas Gandhi, and Mother Teresa. Irena Sendler, to begin with, is an important factor in the humanitarian history. Irena Krzyzanowska was born in Otwock, Poland on February 10, 1910 …show more content…
Beinning as a social worker in 1939, Irena had access to the Warsaw Ghetto and was able to give assisstance to the people in need. Irena’s worked brought her to join Zegota, a council to aid Jews ( Editors). Irena was chosen to find a way to take the Jewish children from Warsaw with a flase advertisment of medicine for the Jewish. A secret removal of 2,500 children was organized with the help of orphanages, convents, and families outside of the Ghetto. The hardest task of the secret removal was to convince the guardians to give up their children to Zegota. Many of the guardians did not know if they or their children were going to die (Housel, Debra. Pp. 76-78). Once out of the Ghetto, Irena kept detailed records and real names of the children in a jar buried in her backyard ( Editors). Irena was not always helping children escape. Irena married Mieczyslaw Sendler in 1931 and moved to Warsaw before World War II. Once a divorce was filled, Irena married Stefan Zgrzembski in 1947 and had three children, a girl and two boys. Stefan died with an unknown cause and Irena remarried Sendler once again before yet another divorce was filled …show more content…
Born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandor, Kathiawar, India, Mahatmas Karmachord Gandhi was the son of Karmchand Gandhi, chief minister, and Putlibai, who was deeply religious lived in part of the British Empire ( Editors). With early marriages common, Mahatmas married at age 1 (Housel, Debra. Pp. 73-75). Mahatmas married Kasturba Makanji, the merchant’s daughter. As a result of the marriage, the teenagers rebelled by smoking, eating meat, and stealing money from household servants. Althrough Mahatmas had a rebellious attitude, Mahatmas was a shy, remarkable student, who was so timid that he slept with the lights on even as a teenager. In 1885, Mahatmas’s father passed as well as his first young child. With an interest in becoming a doctor, Mahatmas’s family steered him to enter the legal profession just as his father wanted him to be a government minister. In 1891, Mahatmas’s mother passed. With grief, Mahatmas struggled in being a lawyer ( Editors). Mahatmas’s mother was very religious and a devoted practioner of Vaishnavism, self-discipline, and nonviolence ( Staff). As a result of this, Mahatmas grew up worshipping the Hindu God, Vishnu, and followed Jainism, an ancient Indian religion that stressed nonviolence, fasting, meditation, and vegetarianism. In 888, Mahatmas moved to London and struggled with the transition to the Western Culture. Mahatmas
The Germans were deporting 5 to 10 thousand Jews a day at the Umschlagplatz. Were the Jews would be tightly packed in cattle cars and shipped off to death camps like treblinka were they would be sent to labor or the gas chambers were you executed. Death camps would try to hide what’s really going on. The death camps would say turn in all your valuables so you can be delouced but what they really are doing is sending you to your death.People that are war profiteers would sell some of the valuables that were collected at the death camps. So Irena was terrified when they started deportation she was afraid that all the kids that she put in the orphanage in the ghetto. Several days after wards there was tremence fire fights that broke out all over the ghetto. So Irena sprung into action thinking that the Germans would be distracted from all the fighting so that Irena can smuggle more Jewish kids into the Aryan side. Irena looked at danger straight in the face and smuggled kids through the sewer. Once the Nazi got wind of people smuggling Jews through the sewer they started putting posing the sewers so in anybody went down there they would die. That day Irena smuggled almost 200 kids throughout these
“Irena Sendler was a Polish woman who, along with her underground network, rescued 2,500 Jewish children in Poland during World War II.” The Life In a Jar: Irena Sendler Project portrays that she made such a difference in so
After the World War II life did resume for Irena Sendler, but not in the same way. When she came out of hiding, after the war, she received some shame from people because she had aided the Jewish people. It wasn’t until about twenty years later that her work began receiving awards for her work. In 1965 she received righteous among the nations award from Yad Veshem in Jerusalem. Part of the reason people had not acknowledged what she had done right away was because the work was very secretive and it stayed that way after the war. Even though Sendler eventually received praise for her work she stayed very humble and wishes “[she] could have done more and this regret will follow [her] to death” (Sendler). In 1999 few people knew of Irena Sendler
On September 10,1930 there was a girl named NadIne Schatz and she was apart of the Holocaust society which was sad because families were taking away to fight in battles.Nadine was born in Boulogne-Billancourt,France and her mother named was Ludmilla Schatz and was a kind mother and care about her kid making good grades. On the other hand Nadine mother taught piano and she was the most gifted piano teacher in her country.But Nadine was the daughter of immigrant Jewish parents.Her Russian born mother settled in France following the Russian Revolution of 1917.Also Nadine attended elementary school pairs.And so Nadine would go to school and the mother went to work so the grandmother move in with them and she would cook meals for them.One
Irena was a 29-year-old social worker, she used her job to Jews. Irena went to the ghetto to help dying Jews. Irena smuggled them and took them to the Aryan side and helped set up a hiding place for them. Irena used an old courthouse on the edge of the Warsaw Ghetto as one of the main routes of smuggling children out, but when the Warsaw Ghetto was erected in 1940 she could no longer help isolate Jews. Irena had five main means of escape; Using an ambulance so that a child could be taken out and hidden under a stretcher, escape through the courthouse, a child could be taken out using the sewer pipes or other secret underground passages, a trolley could carry out children hiding in a sack, truck, a suitcase, or something similar; if a child could pretend to be sick or was actually very ill, they could be legally removed using the ambulance.
Irena got a pass from Warsaw’s Epidemic Control Department, which allowed her to legally visit the Ghetto daily. Then, between 1942-1943, she snuck children out of the Warsaw Ghetto to safe hiding places, and found non-Jewish families to adopt them. The youth only knew Irena by her code name “Jolanta”. She had to persuade many parents to part from their children, which was a very difficult and dreadful task. Irena later recalls, “In my dreams, I still hear the cries when they left their parents.”
Children were separated from their parents. Once their parents were safe she believed that they should be reunited with them. Irena wrote down every kids name and where they were staying. “Sendler wrote down all relevant information in a special code on used cigarette papers she collected,” ( “Irena Sendler,” [World Biography] 2). Using code allowed her to know where they were but no one else could get that information. But just writing in code wasn’t safe enough. “These lists of names were then put in jars and buried in the yard of a friend’s house at 9 Ledarska Street in Warsaw,” (“Irena sendler,” [World Biography] 3). The list was safe from the Naxis hands because she buried it. She kept this list in order to reunite them with there parents but unfortunately were died. “ Most of the Ghetto families had died at the Treblinka death camp,”(“Irena Sendler,” [World Biography] 3). Despite her best efforts she wasn’t successful at reuniting them. Irena wanted the children to have there parents and took steps to make that happen, but most of their parents died during the world. The effort she made was notable because after saving them she could be done but she still wanted to help
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India in 1869 and died in 1948. He was western educated, specifically trained in England. Although he was a nationalist, he was anti-modern because he was skeptical to industrialism. He believed in the ideal of satyagraha, the non-tolerance of evil, but also the understanding that violence is not the answer to that evil. He also believed in non-violence. He did not cooperate with anything British, specifically trading with the British, British schooling or products, and even paying taxes to the British. He served as a civil rights activist after being thrown off a train when refusing to move from his seat in first class. He became the leading member of Congress Party in the 1930’s and shortly after participated in the March to Sea for salt during the British imposed salt tax. Every single aspect of Gandhi’s life was peaceful, if the people around him decided to disobey and use violence as a means of getting what they wanted, Gandhi would take it upon himself to fast. He was eventually assassinated by a Hindus
Some activists from her group code named “Zegota” were fearful that with the many beatings she was receiving that she would reveal the names and locations of the thousands of children she helped to escape. Although her sentencing was harsh the activists were able to bribe officers in the jail to release Sendler and mark her name off on the list of prisoners who had already been executed. Even though she had just been arrested that did not stop her from following her true passion in life and helping jews affected by Hitler and the Holocaust. She continued to be heavily involved in the group “Zegota”. The exact number of children saved by Sendler is unknown but many think it is around or well over 2,000 children since there were 2,500 pieces of paper buried underground with the identities of many children that had been saved (Yad Vashem). Irena was an amazing women who did many amazing things. Not only did she rescue thousands of children, who probably would have died otherwise, she never stopped helping even when she was arrested and sentenced to death. In 1965, Irena was awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem Organization in Jerusalem. Although Irena did many great things she still continues to stay humble in her actions (Info-Poland). Many people won’t believe it but Irena often says “I could have done more,”(Peter K. Gessner) and “The regret will follow me to my death.”(Peter K.
Katie davis lives an unselfish life because she left her whole life to benefit others. She also saved a small child in a burning hut. Another Thing she does is adopt 13 girls! And invites them into her own home.('s-story )
I scrutinized Sendler’s credentials during my analyzation. My research began by searching the Internet, which mostly led to useful facts about her. A beneficial website entitled “Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers,” assisted essentially with my research because it added more details to information I already found. Examining websites, there was a chance for me to contact universities regarding Sendler. I contacted the University of Warsaw, where Sendler studied. Thankfully, Jackl Klara, coordinator of the Polish Righteous web project of the Polin Museum in Warsaw, had received me and was able to answer my questions.
Mohandas Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar India to a Hindu father and Jainist mother. His very religious mother was a practitioner of Vaishnavism (worship of the Hindu god Vishnu). Influenced by his mother's beliefs Gandhi was governed by self-discipline and nonviolence. He soon got married and sailed off to study law. When Gandhi returned he was in shock of what had happened to India, in just 1 year. Gandhi's beliefs never changed and he still strongly believed in self-discipline and nonviolence. He wanted to make a change in India’s cultures. And that’s exactly what he did, he made the change he saw in the world. Gandhi used many tactics to get India's independence, such as Civil disobedience, embracing the enemy, and acceptance of jail time.
Princess Diana was an inspiration for many people around the world and used her royalty to highlight major social issues. Diana’s dedication to humanitarian work helped to promote awareness and raise money for a wide range of charitable causes, including her campaign against landmines and her kind hearted approach to the AIDS predicament. Diana crossed boundaries to offer support to casualties and worked hard to change the opinions of the general public, which didn't particularly follow royal protocol because she lead from the heart, not the head.
Princess Diana of Wales, whose name means goddess in Roman was charitable all around the world. She was a selfless hero who loved to help others, she was also very impactful and inspiring to young people. Princess Diana is a deserving hero due to her charitable work because she helped many people with AIDS and other diseases. The article “Princess Diana” explains how Princess Diana patron of so many charities making many visits. The article “Princess Diana” states that, "In 1990, people noted, Diana was the patron of 44 charities, making more than 180 visits on their behalf the previous year.
“What if we gave eachother a chance?” In life, there are no second chances. Once you do something, you are unable to relive it or go back. You make a decision in that moment of time to either do great or do failure. During WWII, hundreds of people made the decision to help those in need. They devoted their life to do good. They made the decision to give thousands of Jewish people a chance to live a better life. Many of those people who helped were non-Jewish, they are heros. They were able to impact the Holocaust by saving many lives. They gave Jewish people a second chance.