
Is A College Degree Worth A Degree

Decent Essays

When deciding if you are going to attend college, you must first consider if college is worth the cost. College degrees are worth it to the people that are willing to put in the effort. In this essay you will learn about the benefits, and options that can come with a college degree. You will also see the happiness that will come along with choosing the right college degree for you.
College graduates are open to a whole new economic opportunity than those without a degree. The benefits that are offered with most jobs that require a degree outweigh the cost it takes to get the degree. High school graduates earn about sixty two percent of what those with a four year degree earn. () Many jobs offer a wonderful retirement plan. The chances of getting free medical insurance and dental care are greatly increased with a college degree. Along with the money and health benefits come the things that are overlooked when considering if a college degree is worth it. The likelihood of ever being unemployed would be a good thing to not have to stress about. With a job that expects education beyond high school, the supply and demand for a certain educational level will be greater, allowing you a higher chance at getting the job. Think about a fast food restaurant. Anyone who can do simple math or has social skills will be able to apply and get the job. Thus causing the importance of each individual not as high. An individual with a completion of post secondary education will be needed and

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