
Is America An Anthem Society

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“I'm not interested in censorship. I like the First Amendment very much.” -Henry Rollins. The Anthem society is censorship and that word “censorship” can be used to explain the great country America. Even though America is a land of freedom, America is an Anthem society because we the people of the United States are not getting as much freedom as told that we are supposed to have and America is a land of censorship .

America is a land of freedom and opportunities. Many people from all around the world travel to come live in America. These people do this because they might not have the same chances of being able have a better lifestyle in their other country. Having limited opportunities in your country is bad, which is why America provides uncountable opportunities that makes America a land of opportunities. Another example that shows that America is a land of freedom and opportunities is that freedom in America is great. Many people of different kinds of races leave their countries to better themselves and seeing that they are able to do more.

Even though America is a land of …show more content…

In the book Anthem people were kinda forced to fit in. The same goes on in America if you want to fit in. Basically if you don't fit in you'll be looked at strange and different and that's not what a lot of people want to be looked at as. This helps my topic sentence that America is a land of censorship because it's like America censors certain things just so you can fit and this is getting inside people's head. Another example that shows America is a land of censorship is that you don't get to do as much as you thought you could do. I mean you can do things outside of the box but again, you will be the strange one that everyone looks at. America has a censor just for everyone to fit in and not be who they really want to. This is just like Anthem but the society of Anthem was

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